Benefits of a team
Posted by Michelle Nelford on
None of us is as smart as all of us – Ken Blanchard
As a new agent I sometimes get asked “Do you find it confusing to work in a team. Wouldn’t you rather be on your own?” The answer is “No way!” The benefits for agents who work in a great team is almost as many as the benefits of a consumer who employs that team.
Using the right agent is crucial. By using the team, you are getting more than one agent who is dedicated to working for you. For us agents, it’s hard to convey how valuable it is to be able to turn to each other and ask “what’s your opinion on that?” or ” How would you handle this unique situation?” The ability to bounce ideas and opinions off each other is of great benefit, because to excel at real estate requires hard work, intelligence and lots of experience. Buying and selling a home is usually the biggest investment any person will make in their life time, and wouldn’t you want the strength of an experienced team behind you when that times comes?
Real estate is a career that is not 9-5. The team dynamic is what keeps us able to keep providing the best possible service to our clients, because at the end of the day, real estate agents are all human. We get tired and we have families. We need to take time to re-fuel. By working in a team, we get structured days off which we can use to do things such clean the house, host a family BBQ or take a vacation. We can do these things with the knowledge that our valued clients have the rest of the team to assist them and who have the client’s best interests at heart.
Teamwork divides the tasks, and doubles the success – Anonymous